1. 正反观点式(适用争议性话题)
- 开头:引出争议话题,说明不同观点。
Recently, the issue of whether... has sparked heated discussions. Some argue that..., while others believe that...
- 正文:分段落讨论正反观点,使用连接词(First of all, In addition, Last but not least)。
Supporters claim that... For instance,... However, opponents argue that... They point out that...
- 结论:表明个人立场,总结观点。
In my opinion, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Therefore, I support...
- 争议话题:大学是否应取消晚自习?
Recently, the issue of whether universities should cancel evening self-study sessions has sparked debates. Some argue it gives students more freedom, while others believe it reduces learning efficiency.
2. “A或B”选择类(适用二选一话题)
- 开头:明确偏好,说明理由。
When it comes to choosing between A and B, I prefer A for the following reasons.
- 正文:列举A的优势,承认B的局限性。
A offers... which B lacks. Additionally, A has... However, B may...
- 结论:重申选择,总结优势。
In conclusion, A is more beneficial. It provides... and enhances...
- 选择话题:线上学习 vs. 线下学习
I prefer online learning as it offers flexibility. For example, I can study at my own pace. While offline learning provides face-to-face interaction, online resources like videos and forums are more accessible.
1. 邀请信
- 开头:问候并说明邀请目的。
Dear [Name], I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to invite you to...
- 正文:活动详情(时间、地点、内容)。
The event will take place on [Date] at [Time] in [Location]. We’ll start with... followed by...
- 结尾:表达期待,礼貌收尾。
Your presence would mean a lot to us. Please let me know by [Date] if you can attend. Looking forward to your reply.
- 邀请参加文化体验活动
Dear Peter, I hope this email finds you well. I’m writing to invite you to join our “Traditional Chinese Culture Day” on July 15th at 3 PM in the school hall. We’ll start with a calligraphy workshop, followed by a tea ceremony.
2. 感谢信
- 开头:直接表达感谢。
Dear [Name], I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for...
- 正文:具体帮助行为,个人感受。
Your guidance on [具体帮助] was invaluable. It not only... but also... I felt... during the process.
- 结尾:再次感谢,祝福对方。
Thank you again for your support. Wishing you all the best.
- 感谢导师指导论文
Dear Professor Lee, I’m writing to express my sincere gratitude for your guidance on my thesis. Your insights on data analysis were invaluable. They not only improved my research methods but also boosted my confidence. Thank you again for your patience.
1. 投诉信
- 开头:说明投诉原因。
To Whom It May Concern, I’m writing to complain about the poor quality of...
- 正文:描述问题,要求解决方案。
On [Date], I purchased... but it... I demand a refund or replacement.
- 结尾:期待回复,礼貌威胁。
I look forward to your prompt response. Otherwise, I’ll seek further assistance.
- 投诉网购商品质量问题
To Whom It May Concern, I’m writing to complain about the defective headphones I received. The left earpiece stopped working after a week. I demand a replacement or full refund.
2. 道歉信
- 开头:直接道歉。
Dear [Name], I’m writing to sincerely apologize for...
- 正文:解释原因,表达悔意。
Due to [原因], I was unable to... I understand this caused inconvenience and I deeply regret it.
- 结尾:提出弥补措施,再次道歉。
To make up for this, I’ll... I apologize again for any trouble caused.
- 因病缺席会议
Dear Team, I’m writing to sincerely apologize for missing yesterday’s meeting. I had a sudden fever and couldn’t attend. To catch up, I’ll review the minutes and submit my feedback by tomorrow. I apologize again for the inconvenience.
- 灵活调整模板:根据题目要求替换关键词,避免生搬硬套。
- 丰富细节:加入具体例子或数据,增强说服力。
- 注意逻辑衔接:使用连接词(however, therefore)使行文流畅。
- 保持简洁:避免冗长句子,确保清晰表达。
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